Friday, October 2, 2009

Aftonbladet 2/10

Helikopterrånet: Uppgifter till Aftonbladet: 36-åringen greps med 93000 kr - i femhundralappar


AOG said...

Interesting project but what motivates you to do this? Why?
Personally I want to avoid 'löpsedlar' and I don't want my children to be reading them. They are not constructive to society and just show the papers' hypocracy, that is to say they spend their time being outraged by the evils of society but are simply pimps peddling it.

My wife thinks they infect peoples minds with the idea that the bad and evil is the ruling force. Young children reading them get their view of life distorted.

And the harsh realitities of life with come to you!!

AOG said...
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